>>44689543It has complexity, depth, high level and low level strategy, mind games, and a high degree of player expression. There are negative aspects as well, but it has the perfect components for competitive multiplayer game.
>>44689616You are on mostly equal footing because you both have access to the same assets for team building. Every 1v1 game suffers from some kind of imbalance though, usually based on who goes first. Chess anybody?
>>44689578If this were true then good players wouldn't be able to perform consistently. If I make a new OU or VGC or battlespot account I'm going a minimum of 15-20 games before I come even close to a loss. If what you're saying was true then the top 1% of players would perform around the same as the middle, average players, and this is demonstrably false. RNG is a factor in games, but the more games you play against a single person for example, the less of a factor it will be on the total number of outcomes. Also there's no RNG that is strong enough to let you beat someone significantly better than you, sorry to burst your bubble.
>>44696171You don't have to in pokemon either if you don't want to dipshit. You can inject/hack/play a sim. If your only goal is to play competitive there you go. The barrier to entry is so low you don't even need to own a console or a game.
Also OP is just a bait image guys
+6 252 Atk Huge Power Azumarill Aqua Jet vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Landorus: 446-528 (116.7 - 138.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO