>Used to have a gf that reminded me of Lisa, my favorite Pokemon girl
>she had a had a ton of cool looking guns in her parents house
>One day drive to her house to deliver her an authentic Japanese copy of Power of Us as a surprise
>walk inside, her mom isn't home watching TV like she usually would.
>Hear moaning.
>Fear is rising, convince myself she's just masturbating or something.
>Slowly walk upstairs into her room and see her fucking some skinny black guy with a bugs bunny tattoo
>She screams and the black guy jumps back
>In a fit of pure autistic rage I take my copy of Power of Us and try to throw it at both of them
>Hits the black guy in the eye, he's pissed. He yells "Nigga what the fuck?!" and throws the movie in my face.
>I stumble from the hit and fall over
>Black guy walks to me and punches me in the face, grabs the movie and starts hitting my face with it over and over again.
>Hear my gf yelling at him to stop.
>I start crying. Black guy says "oh this nigga a baby huh? A BABY?" and keeps hitting me with the movie.
>Gf runs into the bathroom to stay out of it, I still hear loud crying coming from the door.
>Get the courage to push him away from me
>In that time I'm able to try to rush down the stairs but I tripped and fell halfway down.
>I'm now laying down, feeling completely defeated. I don't even wanna move.
>See the black guy from the stairs just staring at me.
>He says "Take yo stupid fucking anime shit nigga" and takes the movie disc out and throws it and the case down the stairs.
>Basically crawl my way to the door and leave.
>GF blocked me on all platforms the day after.