Is the 25th as special of an anniversary in Japanese culture as it is in the west? I know the 10th and 20th anniversaries got massive celebrations but I have no recollection of the 15th being promoted despite never stepping away from the franchise so it seems like 5-year increments don't really matter like 10-year ones do - ie if they did 15 should have been a bigger more celebrated milestone than 10 - but 25 is also 1/4th of a century so that one may still be special either way. If so they definitely had huge plans that got fucked over by covid and in typical pokemon fashion they opted to say nothing rather than admit things didn't go according to plan and are scrambling to organize alternative online/in-game events and get whatever the big main series release was at least finished for digital distribution since physical copies would need manufacturing time right around now to be ready for February if not sooner given shipping constraints in the current global situation so that's either not happening, had a major shift in scale, or got delayed. If not then expect the usual mythical giveaways and some promotional merch but nothing too special new game wise, maybe a swsh goty edition with bug fixes, both dlcs, and the rest of the natdex added to "celebrate every pokemon" without having to do anything too ambitious. Either way maybe switch virtual console editions of previous titles from systems that already have official emulators or ones that currently don't being released with pokemon games as launch titles.