Her clefairy is negligible but that miltank really is quite powerful.
Stab stomp at that point in the game hits hard as truck and miltanks speed ensures that it can get a flinch off on even the fastest pokemon available up till now. On top of that, milk drink means that if you deal less than 50% in one hit it's take several times as much damage to actually faint it, giving it ample time to wear down your team, and it's natural bulk means that much is likely even using the single fucking machop you can get that will deal super effective damage. On top of all of this it has attract, which will stack onto stomps flinch to nearly completely immobilize any pokemon, and when you factor is milkdrink it literally doesn't matter how bulky you are, eventually you're getting worn down. and finally it has rollout just to fuck you up for trying to leave an attracted pokemon in.
Of course, all of this is easy to counter if you see it coming and plan accordingly or just so happen to have geodude or onix who both wall miltank, but for a kid who's just encountering these obstacles it's not at all hard to see how whitney could seem like an insurmountable wall.
I never understood how people like
>>44720425 exist, like, of course if you catch pokemon specifically to counter her it'll be easy, but 90% of players don't team build specifically for whitney.