>>44721425XY was a filler game
>They couldn't be bothered to give them megas outside of korrina>Le 3 pokemon meme>So many npc trainers had a single pokemon even late in the game, it was ridiculous>Power plant>empty caves that look like they should have something valuable>only Zygarde, mewtwo and the fucking kanto birds(woohoo) for postgame because people whined about legendaries even though that made up an important amount of postgame content and them they whine about the lack of itFor all intents and purposes, I like megas as an idea, thought some story ideas like AZ primarily were cool, and I like the legendary trio even if I think they were used poorly, but in hindsight I can't help to think these games felt a bit lacking. I can hardly remember many Kalos locations compared to stuff from Kanto to Unova, for one. There's more stuff that people have said endlessly already, too.