>>44723620>By not taking itself too seriously.XY wasn't shit because it took itself too seriously alone, but because it had mediocre writing on top of that with ash's sole motivation being
>ORETACHI WA MOTO TSUYOKU NI NARUIt was generic and bland despite trying so hard to be something above the previous seasons.
Pokemon as a whole has no writing since it's a kids show so when it doesn't try and just pushes out whatever shitty filler makes it the most marketable while still pleasing consoomers and having a fair amount of shillmons, no one will complain or hate it. At least not as much as they will with something like XY.
Also, can you alola/xy zoomzooms not fucking make this about your favorite season vs the other for once? Thread is about GOOD anime battles, no one cares if you think goofy ash is better than edgy ash.