>>44739108>People hating a Pokemon only because it isn't goodConsidering nearly this entire franchise revolves around battling and having fun battling, no, people are entirely justified in thinking this way.
If Cacturne or Delibird aren't fun to use because of how weak they are, or because they're an active hindrance in battle, people are going to like them less. If a Pokemon underperforms consistently then no appealing design is going to save it from people boxing it forever outside of the most hardcore autism of wanting something terrible to succeed when there's other, better options. And vice versa, something that someone may find initially horrible to look at might begin to grow on them after performing consistently well in battle.
Trying to treat performance and design as separate things might work, for (You), but that's just not how people think, and trying to stifle that is honestly more naive and condescending than the boogeyman you're trying to establish.