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Pokémon Earth is smaller

No.44739442 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dragonite is capable of circling the globe in just sixteen hours. [RSE dex]
This Pokémon flies at Mach 2 speed, seeking prey. [Yellow dex]

mach 2 speed = 2 469.6 km/h

Dragonite base speed/Pidgeot base speed(gen 1)= 91 points /80 points = 0.879
Dragonite speed = 0.879Pidgeot speed = 0.879(2 469.6 km/h) = 2171.1 km/h

Pokémon Earth circumference = Dragonite speed per hour * 16 hours = 34737.2 km
Earth radius = circumference/2π = 5528.6 Km

Real Earth radius = 6.371 km