>>44774308I hate bug and ice. bug has so much potential to be cool, but only 4 of them are even remotely good at something. i hate ice because whenever you have an icemon you're forced to run a speedy set or else you're shooting yourself in the foot. beartic is so cool, but use one and you'll be the laughing stock of competitive.
I wish I could hate grass simply because it's the same bullshit as bug; weak as fuck typing defensively with poor offensive upsides to rub it in. however, grass actually makes up for this by having more of its mons be ACTUALLY VIABLE, and the impressive amount of powerful supporting grass moves like the spores n' powders, leech seed, and many others.
I also hate ghost type ATTACKS. the only reason to run ghost attacks is if you've got STAB, because otherwise, dark is infinitely a better coverage move that does all ghost can and more, especially since ALL dark moves have an OP secondary effect.
I also hate steel and fairy. steel is singlehandedly the most overpowered type in the metagame because it resists everything and a half. its downside was its poor offensive power, but that all changed when it became strong against fairy, the strongest OFFENSIVE typing. speaking of which, while my favorite is still half-fairy, that doesn't mean I can't recognize the damage that fairy did to the metagame. sure it make wigglytuff and clefable more viable, and same with the glorious Gardevoir Goddess, but good grief if this didn't just become the new dragon type. there were better ways to nerf dragons without making "Dragon-2.0."
> HONOURABLE MENTIONSpsychic used to be OP AS FUCK, but fell from grace. it's not COMPLETELY useless, but I still feel like it should be stronger, harkening back to the days when psychics were to be feared, even if just a little.
rock is almost never seen as anything but "muh sneaky pebbles." don't get me wrong, I believe that spy stones are cool and good, but rock needs to be SO MUCH MORE than just