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Is Pokemon HOME the endgame?

No.44787720 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Give the anime a PWT theme
>Cocktease being able to fight past champions in IOA
>Make vague allusions to the 3000 year war and mention how swimmers swim to Kalos and back frequently (like IRL France and Britain through the channel)
>Same gen with the first games to cut the roster
I don't get it. Are they trying to shill Pokemon Home that badly? How long before we get a meta commentary from Grand Oak in the anime?
Sword and Shield would have been far better if they doubled down and actually cut the dex for legit reasons. Keep the roster down to 200 or so with Pokemon that actually make sense like the fucking scottish terrier Pokemon or unironically Stantler/Deerling
It feels like everything relating to Pokemon this gen is just a commercial for HOME rather than being anything standalone. HOME itself feels like a poorly thought out executive decision they made because they wanted to triple the price of Bank and get away with it.
>Remove the GTS from the games
>Add it to Home, but only mobile HOME
Seriously, what's their obsession with it? Can we really expect them to rotate the roster of 800+ mons without forgetting any every few generations? Even if they don't forget some, it feels like every game from now on is doomed to have as many out of place Pokemon crammed in as humanly possible.
It was fine with Kalos, forgivable with Alola because at least they had Alolan forms. But now it feels like with the dex cut they're trying even harder to say "BIG NUMBERS = GOOD BUY OUR GAME"
Hell, even the fucking Isle of Armor Dex is bloated with identical entries to the base Galar dex. What was the point? Why not just keep the IOA dex completely unique? Again, it just feels like bloat from the dex cut.