Meanwhile, in the game that's actually well designed:
>go to Connecting Cave
>find Zubat, Whismur, Meditite, Axew
>go to Glittering Cave
>find Machop, Onix, Kangaskhan, Cubone, Rhyhorn, Mawile, Lunatone, Solrock, Woobat, Ferroseed, Dwebble
>go to Reflection Cave
>find Mr. Mime, Wobbuffet, Sableye, Chingling, Roggenrola, Solosis, Carbink, Graveler,
>go to Terminus Cave
>find Sandslash, Larvitar/Aron, Durant, Shuckle, Noibat
>go to Victory Road
>find Lickitung, Hydreigon, Druddigon, Gurdurr, Haunter, Skarmory
FIVE fucking caves and all of them have unique interesting encounters unlike the garbage Sinnoh games that just felt like throwing Onix/Graveler/Machoke/Golbat fucking everywhere.