>>44834070>Ah, I was only 6 when Stadium came out so to me it looked like the flower creature was suddenly in a lot of pain and creeped me out.That's understandable, I was much older so it didn't bother me. Plus being fascinated with weed and watching stoner shows and movies at the time it was the first thing that came to my mind. I can see how it'd make a 6 year old nervous.
Something in Pokemon did unnerve me though. This was back when Red and Blue was out for a while and people were discussing the game and the rumors ( miss those times) and that's when I heard about the infamous Lavendar Town story that people in Japan were killing themselves because of the music of Lavender Town or some shit. I didn't think much of it until I would hear songs from the game even though the Gameboy was off.
I figured I was just listening to the game way too much and the song was just stuck in my head, but sure enough after a while of not playing with the sound on, I would still hear the music when trying to sleep (i would have the gameboy on my nightstand). Come to find out about the game's music playing when the gameboy was off was an actual thing much later in my life. Still creeped me out for the longest time. Thought I was losing my mind.