>>44851865Looks like:
>Origins Red>Ethan parallels to RedUmbreon - Parallel to Red's original Espeon
Smeargle/Scizor - Sugimori Art from the Ruins of Alph
>BrendanSceptile - like the ORAS trailer/Generations
Swellow - NPC Brendan has it
Hariyama - Iconic Hoenn fighting type that would parallel Norman's Slaking
Aggron - Anime Brendan had one from a movie, could symbolify meeting Steven at Dewford
Magcargo - NPC Brendan has one
Sharpedo - Brendan = Ruby version = Fighting Team Magma, Sharpedo fills the slot and symbolizes helping Aqua out
>MaySwampert - ORAS Trailer / Figma / Masters
Altaria - ORAS Trailer / Symbolify meeting Lisia
Exploud - Parallel to Norman's Slaking, NPC May has one.
Claydol - NPC May has one.
Breloom - NPC May has one, iconic Hoenn poke that covers grass
Camerupt - Opposite reason Brendan has Sharpedo
>CalemGreninja/Charizard/Hawlucha - Sugimori Artwork
Meowstic - Masters/NPC Calem
Tyrantrum - NPC Calem technically takes the other fossil you don't take. Can be assumed they own it and Tyrantrum fits X thematically.
Lucario - Story beat
>SerenaDelphox/Blastoise/Florges - Sugimori Artwork
Meowstic - NPC Serena
Aurorus - Opposite of Calem's Tyrantrum
Pangoro - Anime Serena
>ChasePikachu - Because male MC is for first version only I guess
Venusaur, Poliwrath, Aerodactyl - Let's Go seems to be inspired by the manga. It's also an isekai universe so we can headcanon that Chase is just an adventurescuck
Arcanine - Rewarded for catching Growlithe by getting a Persian, but Growlithe is PE exclusive so it makes more sense
Nidoking - Shown in the LGPE trailer
That's all I got. Lyra looks like a weird mish-mash of Kris/Marina's teams and Lyra from Masters. I like it.