>>44857667>>44855833>>44855799as much as you might like to, vore is MUCH more complicated than that. it all feeds into the "Concept of fusion" worldview/philosophy.
there are people in this world who believe certain types of people are inherently superior to others. be it via race, culture, height, nationality, sexual attraction, or gender, or even some other smaller niches, these people believe in a kind of hierarchy of human superiority. for example, I believe that females are the superior version of humanity, as do MANY others enlightened into vore.
the idea of fueling &/or becoming a part of the superior being is what we call "concept of fusion." it most often starts with an inferior developing a prey mindset after coming to terms with his/her own genetic inferiority. after learning about what they might believe to be the superior version of humanity, they will fantasize about becoming one with the body of one of them.
the euphoric view ISN'T the death of someone, but rather, the support of & fusion with the superior version of humanity.