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No.44856601 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
do y'all mind sperging about your fanfics? I write mine as a coping mechanism for the slow, painful death of the franchise.
> is your fanfic one region or multiregon?
> what region(s) do(es) your fic take place in? (in what order do you visit the regions?)
> have you ever considered a custom region?
> how many characters are you comfortable with juggling? (I don't like having more than 2 mains, 1 lancer, and 1 reoccurring mcguffin)
> what kind of roles do legendaries play?
> do you write yours like a story, a comic, a movie, or like an anime/cartoon?
> what are some common traits that you see in fanfics that you LOATHE beyond comprehension?