God, finch needs to pull the stick out of his ass
>Cinderace suspect test right before DLC2 will shake up the meta again
>People question why they didn't just wait, wonder if OU leaders are trying to get it banned before the DLC on purpose
>"As for the people questioning the timing of the suspect, that also does not belong here and those posts will be deleted or those parts edited out from this point onward, too."
>"There was going to be a test on Cinderace after OLT one way or another because of this; it was an inevitability and that was alluded to when we decided to ban it as well. We made the (correct) decision of at least removing it so the remainder of the metagame could settle and develop, perhaps even giving us an off-chance to find enough counterplay for Cinderace around a far less hectic, Magearna-infested metagame."
Not even saying quickbanning Cinderace was a bad play, but come on, knock your ego down a few pegs and talk to people normally instead of trying to damage control when people don't like the way you presented the suspect test.
He confirmed that Cinderace might be retested when DLC2 launches at least, but holy shit, if this guy is the one in charge of OU I get why so many people have issues with Smogon in general