>>44862215>literally just a cat>doesn't resemble its namesake at all>would be completely forgotten if not for its pre-evo being prominent in the anime>dex entities talk about how it acts like a cat and can do what a cat can do>normal type because it's just a normal cat>jewel is red for no reason>has a cat face, can only express the limited emotions a cat canVS
>a more memorable and unique cat>design references inbreeding and how weird real persian cats tend to look>memeable, encourages the fanbase to interact with it>dex entries talk about its history, personality, and tactics which make it different from kanto persian and, by extension, normal cats>dark type to reflect its dirty tactics and narcissistic nature>jewel is blue as a reference to its royal (blue-blooded) status>has a more exaggerated face to convey more emotions and personalityIt might not be your taste, but Alolan Persian objectively has much more going for it than Kantonese Persian.