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How about instead of outright removing RNG, to appease the adult kiddies that think randomly missing the last attack and then immediately losing is fun for what ever reason, let’s compromise by making the RNG easier to deal with.
>Only works once until a Pokemon switches out
>Focus Sash, Focus Band, Wide Lens, Scope Lens, and Rocky Helmet all ignore Flinching
>Full Paralysis only happens for limb based moves (Punches, Kicks, ect.)
>Meditate, Bulk Up, and Agility makes the user immune to full paralysis, and Meditate is now a Growth clone but with Paralysis
>Quick Feet ignores the full paralysis as well
>Psychic types are immune to confusion
>Psychic type attacks bypass confusion
>Focus Sash, Focus Band, Wide Lens, Scope Lens, and Twisted Spoon make the holder immune to confusion
>Doing 40% of more damage will awake the user up
>Pokemon previously put to sleep before by the opponent will wake up earlier
>Sleep Talk no longer selects rest at all and won’t select stat increasing moves when it won’t increase your stats
>You can no longer miss a target with less than 150 speed (the actual stat)
>You can no longer miss an opponent that is trapped
>You can no longer miss a target that is 2.2m or taller
>Wide Lens increases accuracy by +30% and Zoom Lens increases accuracy by +60% if the user moves last
>Double Team and Minimize lower the user’s Def and SpD by 1 or 2 stages respectfully
>OHKO moves no longer rely on accuracy and will just have a 70% chance to fail entirely
Just remove it entire from the game, or at least change it to a different effect. I can’t think of anyone who actually likes this mechanic, not even the “BUT RNG MAKES THE GAME INTERESTING” faggots.
Critical Hits:
Also just remove or change drastically.
>Simple, Oblivious, and Unaware ignore all these mechanics
>”Karma” is introduced when a player gets too unlucky