>>44887084>great marshThey wanted to make the Safari zone more difficult to traverse. They just forgot to make it fun
>munchlaxWas shilled way too hard before DPPT was released, and because its related to KANTOOO's Snorlax. Because of that they felt obligated to make it gigarare, even though HGSS ruined it not two years later
>female combeeCool idea and I think it works just fine. You can savescum for it so its not a problem
>secret cave with giblesI see nothing wrong with hiding the new pseudo legendary. And one NPC does hint at the hidden cave beneath cycling road. They shouldn't have had it so early in the game though
>no fire typesSome retard decided "Sinnoh's cold? Okay no fire types" not realizing that fire types would actually get MORE out of a colder climate than most. Since they can, you know, fucking create fire. Platinum sort of bandaid fixed it but what is completely unfuckingforgivable was Flint. Flint should have swapped with Crasher Wake or Gardenia, God know there's enough water and grass types in D/P for an E4 member
And that, Anon, is what they were thinking. Though you forgot the Feebas bullshit which was (for no reason at all) made even harder than in Ruby/Sapphire, and could literally be impossible to evolve if you got unlucky