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Why do people play these games?

No.44921081 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

The gameplay is dull. The trainers are piss easy and the dungeons provide no tension because of how plentiful healing is and are uninteresting to explore because they're usually filled with mediocre mons and worthless items. I will admit this romhacks can alleviate some of this.


Has some huge issues, there's a lot of very random 50/50s, like player A doesn't have any external info about player B (like a bad habit) that can base his plays on and will just have to blindly guess. As a result it doesn't have a very high skill ceiling. Compare this to most other competitive games which will have longer matches and/or plenty of rematches to allow players to really get into each other's heads to determine who's better. It still can be fun though but you may as well just play Showdown, it's not worth the financial & time investment to do it on cart.


Do I even have to elaborate here? Even BW1/SM which seem to be considered "the ones with the good stories" are still super childish and there's really no reason for adults to like them unless they really relate to the characters.


Just go to gelbooru bro