>>44930678I cant believe you made me waste 10 minutes watching this fat fuck blabbering about something that could be said in 2 minutes.
First off the distinction between mermaid and siren is irrelevant as they have long been conflated to the point in many languages like spanish, portuguese, italian, french... they use the word siren to describe both. If you google siren images you will find mostly fish woman.
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SirensAreMermaidsSecondly, selkies shapeshift between two distinct forms - full woman body and full seal body, mermaids are explicitly half woman half fish with their bodies divided in two, just like Primarina, not to mention its hair accessories mirroring the popular depictions of mermaid wearing crap like pearl necklaces and seashell bras(with primarina having the more subtle and pg chest membrane to suggest a female bust on a bra)
Again, the singing connection with selkies is very, very loose. Singing is just something mentioned in passing they might happen to do among many other things and there's nothing powerful or supernatural about it. Meanwhile Sirens/Mermaids have an actual focus on special singing powers at their core. The only reason you are associating singing magic and bubble control with selkie lore is just because of the damn movie taking liberties. Now you might argue that Primarina is partially inspired by the film itself which I think its fair, to the japanese eye they could have seen the film and conflated the idea with that of mermaids/sirens. My issue is that you specifically said primarina is not a mermaid/siren, purely a selkie.
So let me say it just one last time THE POKEMON'S JAPANESE NAME IS A MIX OF SIREN AND SEA LION.
What's not to get ffs.