>>44954116>Don't the ranks reset every season?If youre in master ball you’ll get demoted to Great Ball 8.
>Either way there should be an influx of new players Thats not how it works. The playerbase of any video game always peaks at the beginning.
>most people should also be in mid or low level playMid level is lower Master Ball rank placements. Low level is a very broad concept in Pokemon, but I can tell you that the majority of players between Beginner to Great Ball 7 rank are literally children who dont know how to play the game (theyre also the majority in unranked battles). People stuck in Great Balk 8/Ultra Ball tend to be Karenfags.
>that's how it is in every game comp. game everPokemon is not a competitive game at its core and unlike fighting games people who play online are a minority, not the majority of the playerbase.