>>45023648Regional variants are a cool idea but fucked up bigger time
>A-raichu,A-egg,A-marowakGood but gamefreak got lazy and only did the evos
>A-golem,A-muk,A-raticateLook like rejected megas especially muk
>Meowth Got two to be shilled
>G-farfetch'd,G-mr.mime,G-corsola,G-linnoneExist because gamefreak is too stubborn to retcon shit and ruined both regional forms and cross-gens
>SlowpokeHad the simply job of attaching something that isn't shellder but got lazy
>Most regional forms are ice,steel,or dark when there are so many type swaps that can be explained>Easy concepts like original crawdaunt and grass sudowoodo pretending to be stone missef