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[50 / 10 / ?]

No.45034122 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is the peak pokemon design
>perfect balance between cute and cool
>mix of animal and plant
>actually has lore behind it, not random pokemon made without much thought
>is made to add to the world building, not as a filler or sell plushies
>great proportions with details
>is a actually a well-designed monster, not unoriginal cereal mascot rip off
>has an animal personality, not humanoid shit template for furries to larp as it
>no generic and boring happy smiley face like most modern pokemon
>badass attitude and characteristics
>90s anime eyes, not generic circles or other stock anime eyes
>the entire line perfectly represents the pokemon world and the evolution having the concept of ambitious monster with different species, not a generic cutiefied animal with giant head and doodle body to sell plushies
>perfectly bridged the line from Bulbasaur to Venusaur and isn't an odd design that everything about it was thrown out by its next evolution like a lot of middle-evo pokemon