>>45036085>>45037473>>45037500You guys want everything to be the next Dragonball or Naruto with fast pace action. That's understandable when you have smaller characters, but that's not going to happen. When you have smaller characters, they have to be fast, but with big characters, it's going to be different. It got to be impactful. Bigger things mean, slow but powerful movements. Even though it's different, it can still give you the same feeling. Look at the final battle of Sun and Moon anime. When Naganadel vs Tapu Koko happen, it's fast, suspenseful, it's something that make you think anything can happen. Now look at Tapu Koko vs Pikachu, it's slow, but still give the same feeling. It's slow, but powerful and suspenseful. You guys are using what very few of what we have seen of Dynamax and giving it an unfair review.
>>45038081He say this while being ironic.