>>45050714Good for the most part, just a lil too coomer for my taste
>>45050721Based Heracross and gible, wouldve loved to see sandshrew over slash though.
>>45050767Wow, you werent wrong, but ill give credit for bug, fairy, and dark picks
>>45050842Easily the weakest taste
>>45050849I like most of these, minus fairy pick
>>45050855This is the most based shit here, subtract megaform
>>45050942Love the crawdaunt and heracross picks, the ghost pick is also a lurker...
>>45051011Christ this is a gross spread of cute and crap. Everything but dunsparce/armaldo can hit the bricks.
>>45051027Cute/10, til i saw the edgelord in the corner
>>45051059Loving the heavy hitters theme, weighty
>>45051446Kaiju/10, good picks though
>>45051567Yiff in hell
>>45051621Mega sableye, a ___ of culture i see.
>>45051629All 4 corner picks are such garbage, its like a table made with toilet rolls for legs
>>45052767You managed to pick the only terrible bug type, and the worst ultrabeast one at that
>>45052990Put those UBeasts back in the forget-o-files.
>>45053013Rate others to receive rating
>>45053413Cant fuckle the shuckle, also the balls on that repeat-pick.
>10/10 for foretress>>45054742Last one, and while im not a fan of mythics, genesect is good pick.