>>45070517Kind of cool but how the fuck is that your favorite gen 2 mon
>>45070537Garbage meme shit
>>45070541Kind of based but also guaranteed you never used one in GSC
>>45070606Fucking cringe
All legendaries are garbage, if they're your favorite you have awful taste
>>45070691Extreme cringe
>>45070692Kind of based but also >liking a blatant shitmon
>>45070716Pseudos are almost as bad as legendaries
>>45070721Last 2 digits of my post are this guys iq
>>45070726Another normie tier trash pick
>>45071013Well, not as bad as lugia
>>45071108>unironically liking UwUU cutesy shitFaggot
>>45071111Again, based, but you never used one in GSC, don't lie
>>45071172Completely shit all over a kind of decent mon's design
>>45071227Actually very based, only winner ITT
>>45071380Yiff in hell furfag, no matter how much you jerk your micropenis it will never be real
>>45071385>he likes just a literal teddy bearEmbarrassing
>>45071598Fuck off and die normie
>>45071843Extremely boring mon liked by extremely boring people, who pretend to be hipster and out of the norm but really just work boring 9 to 5s so they can live boring lifestyles
>>45072862>>>/reddit/ is that way>>45072881Actually pretty based
>>45072940>waaah waaah I can't like something unless its in good in muh fanficKill yourself faggot
>>45072956Also fairly based
When are we cleansing this board with fire jesus christ