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Quoted By: >>45073622 >>45073819 >>45075098 >>45075605 >>45075825 >>45078868 >>45080421 >>45084348 >>45084449 >>45092160
Bros how smart are pokemon??
I say this because I noticed that according to the dex only a few pokemon are said to understand human speech while being intelligent. This would be Latias, Latios, Ninetails, Lapras, Lucario, Magearna and maybe a few more I can't remember. Latias and Latios can not only understand human speech but also communicate with humans via telepathy. I would assume that other noted intelligent pokemon could learn it like the bloke with the 5000 IQ as well as ghost types that were former humans that retain their memories.
But the anime contradicts this bros as even newly hatched pokemon are capable of understanding humans. So what gives bros?
I say this because I noticed that according to the dex only a few pokemon are said to understand human speech while being intelligent. This would be Latias, Latios, Ninetails, Lapras, Lucario, Magearna and maybe a few more I can't remember. Latias and Latios can not only understand human speech but also communicate with humans via telepathy. I would assume that other noted intelligent pokemon could learn it like the bloke with the 5000 IQ as well as ghost types that were former humans that retain their memories.
But the anime contradicts this bros as even newly hatched pokemon are capable of understanding humans. So what gives bros?