[11 / 5 / ?]
465KiB, 929x529, Dawn-Lucas-and-Barry-pokemon-18756399-929-529.jpg
Quoted By: >>45074960 >>45075211
Name a better trio of Pokemon protags
>comfy winter wear for Sinnoh's climate
>are friendly, but still have a competitive edge against one another
>not overtly assholic to one another
>they managed to defeat Pokemon Satan and banish the Pokemon Antichrist to the Reverse World
>live in the comfiest starting town in the series
>comfy winter wear for Sinnoh's climate
>are friendly, but still have a competitive edge against one another
>not overtly assholic to one another
>they managed to defeat Pokemon Satan and banish the Pokemon Antichrist to the Reverse World
>live in the comfiest starting town in the series