Oh hell yeah, I love these threads. Time to post the Large Boys Club again! R8 my team, anons.
>>45119576Emboar is based, op. Good choice.
>>45119809>ash team>alolan ninetailsExcellent taste.
>>45119823Not the mons I'd use, but props to using the mons you like best.
>>45119833Based Tyranitarbro.
>>45119834Not a big fan of most shinies, but Crawdaunt is pure kino.
>>45119937Emboar and Tanglea are based. Props for being willing to use an Unown.
>>45119984I like the theme you've got going on. Dragalge is underappreciated.
>>45120615>Tough looking trainer, mono-fairy teamChock full of soul.
>>4512120510/10 picks.
>>45121233My first mono-type run was a dark type run. Good taste.
>>45121707Props to you for being a Kalosfag.
>>45121726>Ferrothorn and ToxipekYour team sounds like stalling hell. Good picks!
>>45123168Nature themes are always great! Like that other anon said, sleek looking pokemon. They look good on a team together.
>>45123286For future reference, you tend to get more rates if you rate some others beforehand. That said, I like it! It's an usual set full of pokemon that don't get used too often. Props for using the ones you like best!
>>45123372Steelix and Scissor are based. Not a huge fan of using legends myself, but I won't hold it against you. Good taste overall.