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No.45125115 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's keep this simple
>2021 is planned to be a celebration of Pokemon's 25th anniversary throughout almost the entire year
>Lots of pokemon games and merchandise is slated to be released. Stuff that's been revealed like New Snap, and stuff that hasn't
>Game Freak understands the fanbase's frustration and division over the series' Switch era and to a lesser extent the frustration caused through the 3DS era and is looking to win back trust of old diehards while maintaining their current, younger audience and capitalizing on their newer Chinese audience with two releases
>Pokemon Anthology Part 1 releases Summer 2021 and includes Red/Blue, Yellow, Gold/Silver, Crystal, Ruby/Sapphire, Fire Red/Leaf Green, and Emerald
>version selectable via a toggle on the menu before opening the game
>Fully translated Green version unlockable making it the first time Green version will have officially released outside Japan.
>Game Freak is aware that prototypes that have leaked over the last 2 years and plans to include a concept art gallery that provides more information
>Gorochu concept art and original sprites revealed in full resolution
>Super Music Collections for each game are included
>Fall 2021 Anthology 2 releases
>Diamond/Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold/Soul Silver, Black/White, and Black 2/White 2 included
>2nd collection is a little more bare bones here because of the work required to get touch controls working for handheld mode and button controls working for TV mode for things like Pokeathlon and Poketch as well as displaying the 2 screens effectively on the Switch and TV screen since both screens vary in level of importance to see at different points
>Still includes concept art and super music collections
>both collections have online and local wireless trading/PVP but for the first collection online is friends list only
See you all on Pokemon Day.