>>45125504Dude, the only thing it's obvious is they are based on Easter Island heads. Same hat, same eyes and even the nose, even if it's big, it's not curved at all. Even the personality of it is nothing but friendly as you can see in all Probopass you can find in the SM overworld, giving you potions and saving people that got hurt on the mountain. Not even the movepool has anything like Payday or any other move that can make it a racist stereotype somehow.
On the other hand, we have Hypno who has all these things I said: hooked nose, malicious moves, creepy lore, you even have the chance to give money to an Hypno (a cosplayed man actually) on SM... if Probopass were actually intended to be a racist thing, it would be similar to Hypno. This controversy is as dumb as people who was offended for Passimian because they thought it's a caricature of people of color.