>>45147130>Nat DexFair
>Following PokemonWas cut in Gen 5, HG/SS gimmick
>Riding PokemonGimmick for a spin-off
>DexnavCut In gen 4, Gen 3 gimmick
>Player Search>Cut in gen 7, Gen 6 gimmick>Super TrainingCut in gen 7, Gen 6 gimmick
>SoarCut in gen 7, ORAS gimmick
>ContestsFair, gen 3/3 remake gimmick
>Safari ZoneLiterally the Wild Area
>Ball sealsCut in gen 5, Gen 4 gimmick
>Battle FrontierFair
>World TournamentCut in gen 6, Gen 5 gimmick
>Roaming LegendsWhy the fuck would you want this?
>Easy/Hard modesCut in Gen 6, Gen 5 gimmick
>Mega EvolutionCut in Gen 8, shitty gimmick
>Z-movesCut in Gen 6, also shitty. Dynamax is shit too.
>Secret BasesCut in gen 4, Gen 3/remake gimmick
>The UndergroundCut in Gen 5, D/P./Plat gimmick
>Join AvenueCut in Gen 6, Gen 5 gimmick
>Wifi Plazalol
>Friend SafariFair, that shit was cool.
>Pokestar StudioLiterally the worst thing, thankfully cut in Gen 6.
>Mach/Acro bikesCut in gen 4, Gen 3/reamke gimmick
>O-powersCut in Gen 7, Gen 6 gimmick
>SwarmsStill in-game to this day.
>Horde BattlesFair, shit was also cool.
>Sky BattlesHAHAHAHAHA, no
>PokeGearCut in Gen 3, Gen 2 gimmick
>Mom's BankCut in Gen 3, Gen 2 gimmick
>Dream World/EntralinkCut in Gen 6, Gen 5 gimmick
>Auto-tun toggleCut in Gen 5, Gen 4 gimmick.
>Second RegionCut in Gen 3, Gen 2 gimmick
>PokeathlonCut in Gen 5, HG/SS gimmick
>Game CornerBlame Europe for getting this cut, has nothing to do with GF.
>Battle TentCut in Gen 4, Gen 3 gimmick.
>Berry BlendingCut in Gen 5, Gen 4 gimmick
>Triple BattlesFair
>Inverse BattlesWho liked this?
>Mythical EventsGF never got this right to begin with. Fair however.
>Trick HouseCut in Gen 4, Gen 3 gimmick
>VS SeekerFair
>Rotation BattlesEww
>Pokemon AimeStill technically around. Minus the petting but Camp is the same thing.
>Route LeadersFairish, Cut in Gen 8, Gen 7 gimmick
>Resort and Battle RoyalCut in Gen 8, Gen 7 gimmick
>Side QuestsFair