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Pokemon Home

No.45168126 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just had a thought
I'm not defending Home but there's one thing that's bugging me
While almost everything would indicate that GF wants to trap people's collection into Home's ecosystem and have them pay money forever there's just one thing that runs counter to it:
Almost every popular Pokemon is already in SwoShi

Think about it
Just about any Pokemon most people would want to transfer are already in
Sure, half the starters and a few notable fan favorites are gone but
> Gen 1 and 3's Very Popular starters are already in the game
>Popular Pokemon like Gardevoir/Lucario were already in day 1
>All Legendaries are now in the game
>Most of the most Popular Mythicals are also in the game
>A lot of still popular Pokemon have also arrived in the game thanks to the DLC

If they wanted to bleed their audience dry, wouldn't it make sense to really split these up? (Especially the legendaries) or am I missing something