>>45174723>didn't have to deal with annoying cut scenes and heavy amounts of Dialouge in Gen 8 and 6nigger did you even play these games? Tierno and the butt buddy crew hold your fucking hand at the end and beginning of almost every route, and are twice as vapid and boring as most pokemon characters. Gen 8 makes you deal with Hop and his slow spiral into well earned depression, and Bede getting outed as a shitbag, then later turned into a fag. and they interrupt you and lay heavy amounts of dialogue up till the end which leads into a shity plot conclusion involving some purple tinker toy dragon. the biggest disappoint of all is that you couldn't tell Hop to kill himself or actually Quit being a trainer as his bitch ass still shows up at the league, and he still owns a legendary. Gen 7 pissed me off with cut scenes, but don't act like 8 and 6 are innocent, all 8 has going for it region wise is a wild area with LESS POKEMON and 6 had the mega hype, which was ruined by how much they shat up compet and the meta as it's crappy routes, bland story, and crappier characters made it feel almost as soulless as gen 8.