>>45185718>What else do you like?You mean strictly as husbando material? Or what Pokemon i like overall? Because overall i like Beheeyem, Slurpuff, Spinda, Golisopod Tyranitar, Haunter, Reuniclus, Froslass, Garchomp, and a friend of mine actually made me start liking Inteleon too
As for Husband-bait it's pretty much only Greninja because he's the one i'd actually want to literally marry and make sweet love to for the rest of my life, but for raw fucking i guess a few i'd consider would be Arcanine, Hydregon, Zacian, Kadabra, and maybe Lugia if it were a small one. I'm also pretty attracted to 100% Zygarde, but i don't know how it'd work