>>45187167I wouldn't call SWSH a natural or healthy evolution. It's stripped away too much, I'd call it outright anemic.
OoT Zelda didn't have to compromise what made 2D Zelda good. It was able to translate 2D Zelda's greatness into 3D, and that's why it's so fucking revered. Not only did it not have to cut back on the dungeons, or the puzzle solving elements, or the side quests, but it actually did them all bigger and arguably better than before. And this is coming from someone who generally prefers 2D Zelda.
SWSH in contrast has compromised on everything, even the franchise's roster of creatures, which before gen VIII was generally considered to be the sacred cow of this franchise. I feel like a lot of anons don't really understand how special this franchise was for carrying it all over for so long. Y'know, I used to praise GF for shit like pic related just because it'd remain useful for years and years to come. I can't imagine the hell Creatures put themselves through getting the bulk of this shit together in the timespan between BW and XY's release, and now it all kinda seems for naught.
I really, honestly think the cuts happened because GF had trouble making SWSH function. And given it's the most unpolished area in the game, I strongly suspect it's the wild area that gave them the most issue. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's really pure fucking greed(even though the Pokemon they're adding back are patched in for free for us transferfags), but I could swear Masuda had this real uneasy, almost guilty way about him when he and Ohmori dropped that announcement. Like he knew it was a terrible idea. ||inb4 a random shills replies with muh sales, backlash is backlash, faggot.||