While you all wait for your normie discord servers to come back online i'll manually run mine in here, either post a .pk8 file made in pkhex or copypasta a showdown set from
https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/teambuilder in here like you see in pic related and i'll process the requests through my bot, make sure you're not giving it crazy dumb illegal shit through showdown because it'll kick back saying it can't be traded. if you wanna be a balltist sperg use pkhex, the bot can only fill in the blanks from a showdown set so well.
One request per post to keep things simple, even if you added multiple requests per post it would still close the trade after each mon because it's a bot and thats how it's been programmed to work, i dont care if you double dip though as it's pretty mindless for me to just copypasta.
I'll be using your post number as the trade code, the bot waits 45 seconds before giving up on finding a player to trade with, please search your code right away.