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/dag/ - Dynamax Adventure General

No.45225074 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Previous thread: >>45221554
>What is this?
A thread for people to host Dynamax Adventures, a new game mode from the Crown Tundra DLC for Pokemon Sword/Shield.
>How do I join?
Talk to the NPC at the Max Lair, and press Plus (+) to input the Link Code the anon posts.
>How do I get a specific legendary?
After failing a fight with a legendary, the scientist will let you choose to remember where that legendary is, letting you rebattle it. You can save up to 3 of these at any given point.
>How do I get a shiny?
Pokemon have a 1/300 chance to be shiny in the den, with a 1/100 chance to be shiny with the Shiny Charm.
>What the fuck why do I keep losing?
Randos are stupid and make ridiculously bad choices, and if someone disconnects they're replaced with a hilariously dumb NPC.