You see OP? What kind of men like Gen 5.
>>45229846A degenerate coomer who no doubt will passively aggressive spam his shitty ecchi art at me while trying to hide his rage.
>>45229880A zoomer who only likes the games he grew up with who constantly complains about a franchise that left him behind because he's not interesting enough to have real hobbies.
>>45230042A furfag who thinks he's making anyone 'seethe' by liking some shitty kike pig because he has found no validation or acknowledgment anywhere else.
No doubt these Unovaborts will scream and cry about how I am 'projecting'. Watch them try to deflect, try to cast blame elsewhere. Deception, trickery, and incompetence are the tools of the Unovabortion. Fall not to their lies, and realize the truth that Gen 5 is an awful, awful overrated game.