>>45242512Jynx is just a gangaro girl monster. Ganagro is not a profession.
Machop line are martial art monsters. Martial arts are not a profession.
Abra line are monsters with psionic prowess. Not really a profession.
Hypno line are monsters with a prowess in hypnotism. Hypnotism is not a profession.
Not the above traits grant these mons with "jobmon" titles. They're just vaguely humanoid monsters. Comapre that to mons with literal jobs or stylized to look like a modern professional of that field, i.e. Cinderace is just a soccee player, Inteleon is more spy than Lizard, Rillaboom is stylized to look like a drummer while also being a drummer itself.
I'll give you the Hitmons and Mr. Mime though.