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perfect take ahead, zoomers read no further to avoid having to dial eight.
> i enjoyed kalos and XYZ. it was a VERY fun experience to me. however, i will NEVER let the fun i have cloud my judgment of things. XYZ is almost PROUD to be as flawed as it is to the point that it's embarrassing. i loved megas and the beautiful concepts that it implied, but i refuse to deny the truth: many megas are ridiculously overpowered, destroying further an already farr-too-broken PVP system. 3D was a terrible decision for pokemon to go to so early. 3D would've worked, had they waited for a home console with power like the switch, but the 3DS can't do that shit without the game looking like stool 24/7 unless it's chugging its ass off trying to render 3 or more pokemon in battle with next to no background graphics. the games are piss easy and HM's were still not fixed to the obvious solution. also kanto pandering of THAT magnitude was the final nail in the coffin. sure XYZ didn't kill pokemon, but it gave it a terminal illness that it would soon die to, come november 2019.