[24 / 2 / ?]
I have a reliable source that has informed me that we will be getting two future updates to Pokemon Sw/Sh. They will be free downloads and they add previously unavailabe Pokemon and characters to the game. The first update will be released in late February and will bring back all the starters from previous gens as well as a few other Pokemon including Weedle, Ekans, Seel, Aipom, Houndour, Cacnea, Clamperl, Buizel, Sewaddle, Alomomola, Flabebe and Yungoos. All these Pokemon will be available to catch in event raids and added into Dynamax Adventures. The update also adds the opposite games gym leaders, Honey and the opposite Isle of Armour Rival as available partners in The Galar Star tournament. The Second update will be due in the middle of the year and it adds all previous unavaliable pokemon as well as Red and Blue in the Star Tournament. There are also mythical events planned to start in each month of next year starting with Diancie in January
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Anon don’t give me hope about my aipom and my infernape coming back i will fucking stab you for lying you fucking faggot
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if you know all this then how do you get the Victini event in Crown Tundra
this is too competent for GF they would just sell you another game and update SWSH AFTER a couple of months with the new game
>>45288074 >this is too competent for GF Is it? There's basically nothing there
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>>45287997 Nice alternate universe
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show proof slut please
>>45287997 Not gonna happen. GF want to prove that they can cut pokemon and people will still buy the game. If they wanted to bring back everyone through free updates they would of announced it already for brownie points.
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>>45288575 >GF want to prove that they can cut pokemon and people will still buy the game. They already did?
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this actually sounds reasonable but to boring to be worth leaking so its fake.
>>45287997 Why would a free update add characters to the Galarian Star Tournament when people wouldn't even be able to access them without DLC?
>>45288575 Wow, I didn't know you worked for Game Freak. Please, tell me more about your absolute knowledge of their practices and how you're totally not a doomposting smoothbrain who just makes pessimistic guesses based on zero insider knowledge whatsoever.
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>>45289945 To encourage people to buy the DLC and to reward the ones that did.
You're not getting your National 'Dex kid. They said it will never appear in any game going forward. Doesn't meann they won't include all pokémon within a Gen, just means they're ensuring autists and newbies who want to catch them all, need to buy one copy (at least) of all content released within a Generation. And given how many Sinnoh-introduced pokémon are missing, not to mention the other pokémon native to Sinnoh that otherwise don't appear in Gala and it's quite clear they've finished with Galar and its DLC and will be moving on to their next release next year.
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>>45290008 Not him, but it makes sense:
>remove shitmon from first game of Generation >people buy then find out its gone >tease more pokémon added witl DLC >peple buy it then find out it's still gone >finally add shitmon in new title release insame Generation >people buy it, get thier shitmon >rinse/repeat every Gen for increased sales as no-one can *just* buy one content pack per Gen and have done with, if they want to use anything other than those in the base game Anonymous
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>>45288612 >Still Seething beyond lunacy Yikes and cringepilled
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>>45288434 Still too competent
And FREE, you know Ishihara and Masuda want that sweet sweet money
>>45290558 >believing a thing GF says They also said they had no plans to patch in more pokemon but by the time they said that the DLC had to have already been in the works
>>45290901 Yes, because they weren't tipping their hand to the DLC at that early stage. Keep crying, still won't make Dexit reverse, even if you are one of those protozoa that actually think there's more DLC for it coming.
>>45291509 >literal free money by charging paypigs to download assets already made for other games >hurr keep crying GF will never go back on their word :))) Retard
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>>45291522 They'll probably keep them all out so that people will be more motivated to buy the next years remake.