>>45294507>own the master trademarksAlongside Creatures Inc and Game Freak, the other two thirds who own the IP.
>Doesn't understand how TPC works.The Pokemon IP is split three ways between Nintendo, Gamefreak, and Creatures Inc. Because none of the three parties involved knew how or wanted to be involved with managing a media franchise giant when Pokemania started to blow up they all agreed to create a joint-venture to manage the IP in all it's shapes and forms; The Pokemon Company. The Pokemon Company is the closet you have to a parent company for Pokemon, it's literally in the name. None of the three parties fully own The Pokemon Company but all three involved profit off it. Everything to do with the IP is run by TPC. The only thing Nintendo gets out of is that they get a cut of the profit thanks to licensing fees. So when anyone is calling the shots those shots are coming from TPC.
>>45294749TPC organizes and plans out the entire brand, and Gamefreak is in-charge of keeping up with it. Gen 5 was cut short because it was made at the tail-end of the DS lifecycle but had to come out before the 3DS because the other pillars of the brand wanted a new generation but right afterwards they needed to move onto Gen 6 and the jump to 3D because that's what everyone wanted. The disconnect of XYZ with the games happened because GF did not have the staff or time to actually make a Pokemon Z version to go along with the show, make a gen 3 remake (which the remakes pretty much never came along with a media blitz from the TCG or the show. The only real reason for the remakes is just to profit off nostalgia and to give new kids a chance to have an attachment to a previous generation and thus be inclined to buy it's merch.) and get to work on Gen 7 because they *had* to have Gen 7 out by the time the show moves on to it.
Again, I will stress that the Pokemon brand operates like a machine, and the blame on what are the perceived failings like with Gamefreak alone.