Some relatable cringe in this thread.
>be 10 during pokemania
>meet kid in scouts who is bullied
>parents force playdates
>bond over Pokemon
>do cringey things like pretending to be Pokemon, battling, screeching, and throwing dirt at each other
>get dirt in his eye one battle
>he cries, tells scout master I intentionally hurt him
>get grounded, stop talking to him after that
fast forward around 10 years
>I'm assistant manager at dominos while in school
>attend meeting at another franchise location
>he works there
>still mimics pokemon
>shouts "CHOP, CHOP, MA-CHOP" while working, interrupting meeting
>confusion and snickering among managers
>his manager is clearly embarrassed, says he doesn't have a valid reason to fire him
>meeting ends shortly after
>makes eye contact with me on my way out
>"Hey anon, long time no see!"