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Leaks, believe them or not.
25th anniversary has a single DLC that will implement all missing mons, though the National Dex hasn't been confirmed yet. The DLC is called "With Shield/With Sword", it makes a few story changes akin to Platinum or Emerald. Mustard and Freezington send a person to the gym challenge. The type expert challengers are given the league outfits for their types, Ice & Fighting are replaced by the Expansion Pass' new rivals. Bede is still a dick, but is implied to have been gas-light and abused by Oleana and Rose through his upbringing, largely making him a literal pawn. Team Yell take a level in Lawful/Evil, and acknowledge that they exist to disrupt everyone else, sort of dry, tongue-in-cheek humor. Piers is more of an outright dick, but comes down after Hop does his gym challenge, citing that Marnie's Rivals are actually strong. Rose is more skeevy, starting to offer you more money to win thrown matches during the meeting in Hulbury, if you beat Milo & Nessa on your first try, Oleana interrupts him though. Magnolia still does fuck all, and Wyndon gets more space behind the ferris wheel. The 2020 Expansion pass gets a little more story integration, but not much. Your mom offers you the tickets to visit IOA and CT by talking to her at any point after getting the Box Link in the Wild Area, by agreeing to "Wanting to go sight-seeing", they slowly imply that your Mom may have been a skilled trainer at some point. While initially wandering the Slumbering Weald, Hop has a throwaway line about what you think is important in Pokemon battles, your options dictate which game's gym leaders you encounter, and which Urshifu form the newer IOA rival has "Offense(Sword/Single-Strike), Defense(Shield/Rapid-Strike), 'I'm just here to participate'(Randomizes the Gyms, IOA Rival, IOA Rival 2's Urshifu)".
Wild Area is not getting updated, Ohmori apparently said it "Wasn't very important". I wish I was lying.
25th anniversary has a single DLC that will implement all missing mons, though the National Dex hasn't been confirmed yet. The DLC is called "With Shield/With Sword", it makes a few story changes akin to Platinum or Emerald. Mustard and Freezington send a person to the gym challenge. The type expert challengers are given the league outfits for their types, Ice & Fighting are replaced by the Expansion Pass' new rivals. Bede is still a dick, but is implied to have been gas-light and abused by Oleana and Rose through his upbringing, largely making him a literal pawn. Team Yell take a level in Lawful/Evil, and acknowledge that they exist to disrupt everyone else, sort of dry, tongue-in-cheek humor. Piers is more of an outright dick, but comes down after Hop does his gym challenge, citing that Marnie's Rivals are actually strong. Rose is more skeevy, starting to offer you more money to win thrown matches during the meeting in Hulbury, if you beat Milo & Nessa on your first try, Oleana interrupts him though. Magnolia still does fuck all, and Wyndon gets more space behind the ferris wheel. The 2020 Expansion pass gets a little more story integration, but not much. Your mom offers you the tickets to visit IOA and CT by talking to her at any point after getting the Box Link in the Wild Area, by agreeing to "Wanting to go sight-seeing", they slowly imply that your Mom may have been a skilled trainer at some point. While initially wandering the Slumbering Weald, Hop has a throwaway line about what you think is important in Pokemon battles, your options dictate which game's gym leaders you encounter, and which Urshifu form the newer IOA rival has "Offense(Sword/Single-Strike), Defense(Shield/Rapid-Strike), 'I'm just here to participate'(Randomizes the Gyms, IOA Rival, IOA Rival 2's Urshifu)".
Wild Area is not getting updated, Ohmori apparently said it "Wasn't very important". I wish I was lying.