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11KiB, 399x382, 10984297_1020144748004892_4282901117659203861_n.jpg
Quoted By: >>45332121 >>45332155
>play the galar star tournament for the first time
>everything looks cool and the interactions are nice and dynamic
>second time i play it there are less interactions than before despite the teams are different
>Piers says that Marnie will be mad at him even if she was in my team
>everybody has only 3 pokémon but you can have all 6 in your team, giving you a great advantage
>the first time you cannot choose some trainers, like Mustard and Klara, you have to unlock them after
>credits at the end of the first time you play, with no reason and no way to skip them
>The AI will only use the dynamax to their last mon, but the ability of using it is changed every round, this means that you can prevent them from the Dynamaxing by KOing their last pokémon before its their dynamax turn
>the highest level they reach is lv80
>for you it will be piss easy if you have higher level than that, meaning there is no challenge at all
How did they fucked up this?
>everything looks cool and the interactions are nice and dynamic
>second time i play it there are less interactions than before despite the teams are different
>Piers says that Marnie will be mad at him even if she was in my team
>everybody has only 3 pokémon but you can have all 6 in your team, giving you a great advantage
>the first time you cannot choose some trainers, like Mustard and Klara, you have to unlock them after
>credits at the end of the first time you play, with no reason and no way to skip them
>The AI will only use the dynamax to their last mon, but the ability of using it is changed every round, this means that you can prevent them from the Dynamaxing by KOing their last pokémon before its their dynamax turn
>the highest level they reach is lv80
>for you it will be piss easy if you have higher level than that, meaning there is no challenge at all
How did they fucked up this?