>>45343675>No I'm not.You absolutely are.
>We can loosely speculate DLC sales by historical industry attachment rates>CITATION NEEDED, GIVE SOURCES>Okay, here's your sources>A-ACTUALLY I MEANT GIVE POKEMON SOURCESJust stop.
>You're just making up speculations to cope and posting irrelevant data for a franchise that has had physical DLC sell millions.I'm not making up anything, I'm not even the one who dropped the 5m figure for the DLC, only substantiating it with industry data. It's not even close to irrelevant since it's consistent with what every major publisher has said about DLC attach rates, or just straight up sales for that matter. It's undisputed fact that most games get the most sales in their launch window. Even SWSH, 16m of its 19m was from the first month and a half. It is very, very unlikely the DLC will see a really high attach rate, best you're going to get is 25 - 30% and that's fucking stellar for post-launch DLC that far after launch.
You can screech about enhanced versions being DLC all you want it's not the same to the majority of prospective customers. It may not be logical, but human thought rarely is. The average consumer will rationalize it as another game, not a DLC purchase. The more likely explanation for enhanced versions not doing as well is because it doesn't have a huge roster of brand new Pokemon. That's why they started experimenting with formes in gen III, escalated it in IV, V, and VI, and straight up started adding new Pokemon in gen VII and VIII. GF genuinely seems to believe brand new Pokemon are big draws for new content, that's why they keep putting them in.
You're the one coping here. It's an absolute cope that you think SWSH's DLC will have an attach rate of 50% or more when it can barely break another 3m for the base game with two "big" DLC expansions propping up its hype. Just be happy that the game itself sold well and will dictate the shitty future for this franchise.