>Pokemon Battle Revolution gets released
>gamestop hosts tourney for Diamond / Pearl players
>will be played on Pokemon Battle Revolution on a big screen in store with the players bringing their own mons and DSs
>am a kid like around 12 or so. never played in pokemon tourney but know and love the games so much
>call the gamestop the day before and ask for rules
>guy on the phone doesnt know shit about pokemon. I ask him if all the pokemon are allowed and he thinks for a bit and says "yeah?"
>i am excited because this means there is no problem bringing darkrai and deoxys, my favorite mons at the time who i had to gameshark for
>my dad drives me to the mall
>talk to him about pokemon while we drive. he doesnt get it, but he can tell im excited and nervous.
>show up and there are these 30 year old tryhards there.
>i am now very scared and intimidated
>tourney starts
>i proceed to clean the fuck up, because my mons are broken but i know how to play the game well enough. Everyone else was tryna play by whatever preconceived rule set from whatever meta they came from that the local GameStop wholeheartedly does not care about
>i notice this fuckers Dragonite is wrecking everybody
>i teach my deoxys ice beam right before out set
>thrash him
>this skinny nerdy 30 year old grips my hand tightly as he shakes it and is not happy
>win a copy of Pokemon Battle Revolution, A PBR tshirt, the D/P preorder bonus styluses and stylus holder.
>my dad is impressed as fuck because he has no clue i had it ez. later on in life, i explain to him and he is even more impressed that i called before hand to get the ok to bring my gamesharked mons
>loved my free new wii game that lets me put my pokemon on the big TV
one of the best moments of my life