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Hogederp: FEARedition

No.45359914 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welcome to Hogederp. Here, an anon with a tripcode (champ) becomes hoge's bf and gets a team of 6 qt hoges to use in the Pokemon Showdown ladder. After some fierce and fun matches, he can either call for a new team or a new champ to replace him and another person with a tripcode can claim the title of champ.
When in battles, don't forget to type "/modjoin off" if the room is locked, so that we can join in watch. If you are still unsure how this work, try lurking more OR reading our pastebin guide below.

>How to Showderp [IF YOU ARE NEW, READ THIS]

>Hoge's Friends (Meme set list)

>Hoge Institute for the Arts (Art)

>Hoge's HRT Support Chatroom (Discord)

>Current Champ

>Previous Thread